A corporation is a separate legal entity recognized by the national and state governments, and the Internal Revenue Service. In a properly run corporation, the shareholders, officers and directors (the company principles) are distinct and separate from the corporate entity, whether a "C," "S," or LLC. This provides a "corporate veil" that protects the principles from liability during a lawsuit against the corporation.
If the principles of the company formally treat the corporation as a separate legal entity, the court will uphold the status of the corporate veil and limit the suit to the corporation, and not include the principles in any judgment.
Maintain any annual corporate filings of the annual report and fees as required by your state.
Corporate Bylaws
Corporate Minute Book
Any significant corporate activities, including corporate business plans, major contracts, borrowings, purchases, and the payment of compensation to officers, should be reflected in the minutes of the meetings.Board of Director Meetings
Stock Ledger Book
The corporation must maintain an accurate and current stock ledger book (or membership units for a LLC).
Conducting Business in Corporate Name
Corporate bank accounts and accounting records must be separate and distinct from the individual. Corporate income and assets must be separately accounted for on the company books.Corporate Credit Card
In any lawsuit the plaintiffs will typically name the company principles, and try to pierce the corporate veil to assess the liability directly to the officers and directors.Business Legal Liability - How to Prevent Piercing the Corporate Veil
What is a name brand? It is the picture or image your potential customers have of your business or product.
A well thought out domain name is certainly a good place to "push" your brand name. Can your brand and domain name be one and the same? Try to work your logo, brand and domain name into one neat marketing plan.
Your logo can be designed around your name brand.
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